Here we have a great set of offers from Fidelity. You can compound your earning capabilities without needing to spend money or tie up funds in separate accounts. The key here is that the AA and UA offers are for NEW customers only and you can only be a new customer once. The DL offer is for existing account holders and can be applied for once you decide on the AA or UA offer. I decided to go with AA because of their nonstop JFK-EZE service, upcoming trip, and AA counts redeemable miles toward lifetime status. YMMV.
Step 1:
Earn 50k AA or 50k UA miles when funding a new Fidelity brokerage account with $100,000 in cumulative deposits. If you do not have $100k to do this, reference the guidelines below for an easy way to achieve the funding requirement.
- Deposit $25,500, couple of business days for deposits to clear.
- Withdraw all but $500 of your funds.
- Redeposit $25,000, withdraw and repeat until you reach $100,000 in cumulative deposits.
- Mileage typically posts on the Sunday following meeting the requirement.
Step 2 (must complete Step 1):
Earn 50k DL miles when funding a Fidelity brokerage account with $100,000 in cumulative deposits.
- After receiving 50k AA miles enroll in Delta offer. The Delta offer is for existing customers so remember to complete the new customer promo's in Step 1 first.
- The account you opened in Step 1 qualifies for the Delta offer.
- Since you already acheived $100k in deposits from Step 1 you do not need to touch any money for this offer.
- Wait until the Sunday after enrolling for Delta SkyMiles to post.
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